Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Author Interview – Elliot Mason @ArthurRay44

Image of Elliot C. Mason

If you could have a dinner party and invite anyone dead or alive, who would you ask? Bob Dylan, George Orwell, Lou Reed, Kurt Vonnegut. We would have a mighty good piss-up.

When you are not writing, how do you like to relax? Editing.

Do you have any tips on how writers can relax? Drink more.

How often do you write? And when do you write? All day, every day.

Do you have an organized process or tips for writing well? Do you have a writing schedule? Never. When you feel like writing, sit down on your own and write. When you don’t feel like writing, look at people in a busy place and a story will soon come to mind. Loneliness is key, I find. Close contact distracts concentration.

A stark dystopian world of insatiable greed and ceaseless distraction is that of young Gustav Klein, a German twenty-three-year-old who has just sold his hotel in Munich. He is looking for nothing more than escape. The modern gadgets which flash their endless advertisements are locking society inside brick houses, allowing them to be dumbed-down further by the money-hungry gremlins in the high towers. Gustav Klein, meanwhile, begins a journey over the myriad terrains of Europe, through countless bottles on the corner of morbid winter streets, coloured by the peculiar characters he encounters, some who bestow upon him their wisdom, some who fuel his disdain, some who ignite his desires, and some who merely drink with him until they hit the floor in a merry temperament. But the hedonistic, aimless rambling must come to end, for life calls. And Gustav lands on a mountain in Scotland, searching for release, for total nature, untouched by the destructive hand of man. But, it seems, it is too late… In this harrowing tale of youthful rebellion, dark nihilism on the road, heavy drinking beatniks, political adversity and the capricious desires of the gluttonous modern man, the reader is taken by the hand firmly and hauled into a bleak world where every man lives for himself. Close your eyes if you are scared, but you cannot escape.

Buy Now @ Amazon & Smashwords

Genre – Travel, Political, Dystopia, Romance

Rating – PG15

More details about the author

Connect with Elliot C. Mason on Facebook & Twitter

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